A rectangle is a geometric shape that has four right angles (90°) and opposite sides are equal and parallel.
Rectangle area formula
where a and b are sides.
A rectangle is a geometric shape that has four right angles (90°) and opposite sides are equal and parallel.
Rectangle area formula
where a or b - side, P is the perimeter.
A rectangle is a geometric shape that has four right angles (90°) and opposite sides are equal and parallel.
Rectangle area formula
where d is diagonal, a or b - side.
A rectangle is a geometric shape that has four right angles (90°) and opposite sides are equal and parallel.
Rectangle area formula
where d is diagonal, α° is the angle between them in degrees.
A rectangle is a geometric shape that has four right angles (90°) and opposite sides are equal and parallel.
Rectangle area formula
where R is the radius of the circumscribed circle, a or b - side.
A rectangle is a geometric shape that has four right angles (90°) and opposite sides are equal and parallel.
Rectangle area formula
where R is the radius of the circumscribed circle, a or b - side.
S = a·b
a: Rectangle area with sides 30,30 equal to 900