The area of the entire surface of a truncated cone with the radius of the lower base R = 5, with the radius of the upper base r = 3, and the generative L = 8 equal to 307.867

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What needs to be found:
Radius R: Radius r: Forming L:

truncated cone

A truncated cone is a part of a cone located between its base and a secant plane parallel to the base.
The formula for the area of the entire surface of the cone Formula for the area of the entire surface of a truncated cone  truncated cone where R is the radius of the lower base,r is the radius of the upper base, L is the length of the generatrix.

S = π·(R2+(R+r)L+r2)
= π·(52+(5+3)8+32)
= π·(25+8·8+9)
= π·(25+64+9)
= 98·π

a: The area of the entire surface of a truncated cone with the radius of the lower base R = 5, with the radius of the upper base r = 3, and the generative L = 8 equal to 307.867
Усеченный конус - это геометрическая фигура получаемая из простого конуса путем "вырезания" вершины конуса плоскостью параллельной его основанию. 

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